
Ciambotta – Italian Vegetable Stew

In keeping with the warm comfort food for the cold snap we’ve had I thought I would post another “soup/stew” recipe. If you have looked around my blog or if you know me you are aware that I come from an Italian family. I was lucky enough to have my Italian grandma live four houses down the street from me. This recipe is something Grandma Sue would make for us all the time.
Ciambotta is an Italian vegetable stew. I think she would call it “chum – bot” but whatever you call it – it is oh so good! Another one that will warm you from your heart to your toes!  Gram was someone who served a lot of comfort food and at the same time she would provide comfort with her warm and caring heart.  I had such a wonderful relationship with my Grandma Sue.  She was like my other parent after my dad died,  as well as my grandma and truly my best friend.  I can’t even begin to tell you how special she was to me and to all of her grandchildren.  We her miss strength and wisdom but she is forever with us. xxoo!

Ciambotta 3


Ciambotta - Italian Vegetable Stew

Ciambotta - Italian Vegetable Stew

Grandma Sue used to grab whatever vegetables she had in the frig and whip this up for us on a cold winter's day. It's also great in the summer when you have fresh vegetables from the garden.


  • 1 lg zucchini - sliced
  • 1 medium onion - diced
  • 3 gloves of garlic
  • 3 celery stalks - sliced
  • 3 carrots - sliced
  • 4 potatoes - peeled and cubed
  • 2 cups fresh or 1 can of green beans
  • 1/2 Red and 1/2 Green Pepper
  • 1-1/2 cartons of chicken stock about 48 oz.
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 can (15oz) crushed tomatoes
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • Parmesan Cheese - grated


  1. In a large soup pot or dutch oven over medium heat add the olive oil and allow to heat for a few minutes.
  2. Add the garlic cloves (be sure to smash them a little).
  3. While that is sautéing - fill a large pot with cold water, add some salt to the water and boil the potatoes until they are nearly done. Drain and cool.
  4. In each step below - be sure to add a little salt, pepper and garlic powder to each vegetable as you add it in. This is only a shake or two:
  5. After the garlic becomes golden brown add the carrots and allow to cook until they begin to get soft.
  6. At that point add the peppers and after a few minutes the onions, celery and zucchini.
  7. Add the green beans or if using fresh or frozen green beans - cook per directions.
  8. After approximately 3-4 minutes add in the chicken stock. I like stock over broth because of the depth of flavor. You can also use vegetable stock.
  9. Add the potatoes.
  10. Add the crushed tomatoes - you may not need the whole can - just enough to flavor the broth.
  11. Add the sugar with the crushed tomatoes.
  12. Add a generous amount of parmesan cheese. I like a lot but you can add to your desire.
  13. Simmer for about 25 minutes.
  14. Serve with crusty bread and mangia!


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    1. Thank you for pointing this out. I just updated the recipe. You can add the potatoes near the end of the process but I put it under #9 after you add the broth! This is a perfect dish for today if you live in the line of the snowstorm. 🙂

  1. Omg! I had the same experience with my grandmother 😊. Making this as we speak and it’s almost done and it smells and tastes amazing and has brought back many happy memories. Thank you.

    1. Hi Phyllis,
      I missed your comment as you can imagine I am a nurse manager in a physician practice so I am just catching up after all this COVID-19!! Aren’t Italian grandma’s the best!! The memories live on in our hearts and stomachs forever!! Thanks for commenting I appreciate it!

  2. Denise,
    Weird that I just came across this after making giambotha (grandma’s pronunciation) last night. Using my garden veggies. You brought back great memories! In Filenes basement saying “grandma why are you carrying 2 pocketbooks” and her slapping me in the arm telling me to shut up lol. Dancing in her kitchen while teaching me to cook. Laughing so hard she flipped herself over in a rocking chair. Grandmas eggs. soft boiled eggs with butter and ripped up toast in it. Her sticky white rice with butter and salt. Italian grandmother’s ARE the best. You made my night with your post. Thank you!

    1. Leigh,
      I’m glad I could bring back fond memories! My grandmother was my best friend. All of my cousins, my sister and I just loved being around her. She made us laugh, gave us lots of love and made us tow the line but we are better people because of her! Keep the memories in your heart! Enjoy good food and share it with others.

  3. We’re chilly tonight, so I decided to use up the last tomatoes and eggplant from the garden (latest we’ve ever had these still ripening here in Baltimore!). Peppers are still going gangbusters, so I grabbed a variety, and still have some green beans from the vine in the fridge. A true homage to the harvest! I kind of made it up as I went, but checked into Google to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I live your site!

    1. Aww, thank you so much. I have to get back on it and post some new recipes. Lots of things have gone on most recently my 23 yr old son died on October 14th. I think he would want me to get back to this because he knew how much I loved it. So please keep watching the site for new content soon! Again thank you for letting me know. It is getting very chilly here in Central NY!
      Stay Well,

  4. Thank you for this recipe. My two (adult) children and I have voted it a keeper – it’s become one of our regular dishes. I used cauliflower instead of zuccini and added butter beans – we LOVED it

  5. I’m making this today with fresh from the garden – zucchini and green beans!
    But my gang said “No” to carrots🫤.
    Have a great day Denise!

    1. Cindy,
      The family will really enjoy this minus the carrots. 🙂 That’s one thing about cooking you can improvise and make things to the liking of every tastebud!
      Enjoy! Denise

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