Ya Gotta Frittata!
A frittata is an easy and healthy meal all in one pan! So what about this title? Back in the late 80’s, early 90’s I worked for Onondaga County Health Department. I worked with a lot of fun nurses back then! We had to keep our sense of humor as the clients we served really never wanted to hear us preach about keeping a healthy lifestyle for the good of themselves and their babies. Some clients humored us, but for the most part we worked tirelessly to decrease infant mortality in Onondaga County to no avail. To this day the county continues to have a high infant death rate. As a nurse it frustrates me that we were unable to reach our goal.
At any rate back to what nurses have to do with Frittata? Well for one thing as I mentioned it is a very healthy dish to serve and secondly there used to be a Regatta (boat race) on Onondaga Lake. As the race got closer we encouraged each other to go by running around with the saying “Ya Gotta Regatta!” We used to think we were so funny! Every time I hear the word frittata it reminds me of regatta at which time I flashback to my fellow nurses at the county. 🙂
Of course, Frittata is another dish that my grandmother would whip up for us anytime of the day or night. It’s very easy to make and a delicious healthy meal all in one pan. Boy do I ever miss her cooking, but every time I make something that she taught me I can feel her looking over me saying “another pinch of salt!” For this recipe I stole Sandro’s recipe so let’s give him credit! I’m lucky as he is an excellent cook! This is a great dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner! You can make it with any combination of meats or vegetables!
Ya Gotta Frittata!